Source code at, can be loaded into web application with
<script src=""></script>
I developed this function originally at, i.e., which Google has since discontinued, so I moved it here 8 years ago. The purpose of fminsearch is to provide a simple heuristic for non-linear regression that makes the most of javascript’s functional style, and specifically of Map-Reduce patterns, while demanding as little as possible from the browser, or from developers using it as part of their own work. The steepest descent proceedure has a core regression thread with optional parameters (Opt). These options range from the basic of setting the display and controlling the number of iterations, all the way to configuring the output variable, setting the cost function to applying a paralelized Genetic Algorithm-style penalty on divergent parameter vectors.
The core algorithm is a variation on the golden rule of speeding changes in the values of the parameters that decrease the objective function (cost function), while reversing and slowing it down otherwiese. Accordingly, the core algorithm only really has two lines
for(var j=0;j<n;j++){ // take a step for each parameter
if(funParm(P1)<funParm(P0)){ // if parm value going in the righ direction
step[j]=1.2*step[j]; // go a little faster
else{ // if not
step[j]=-(0.5*step[j]); // reverse and go slower
x = [32,37,42,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82,87,92]
fun = function(x,P){return{return (P[0]+1/(1/(P[1]*(xi-P[2]))+1/P[3]))})}
Opt is an object will all other parameters, from the objective function (cost function), to the number of iterations, initial step vector and the display switch, for example
fminsearch is MIT licensed.